Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Nativity Video

Brandon and Barb 2012 Family Pictures

It has been a little while since our last family pictures. We are exited that we finally had the opportunity to have them done last weekend.

Season Greeting and a Happy New Year from all of us! 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


We wish you all a very wonderful Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Saviour.  What an amazing thing He did for us to come to this earth to be an example and show us how we should live our lives and then to make it possible through His atonement that we can one day return to live with Him.

We thank Graham and Jenny for hosting a great day.  I know the road hockey guys enjoyed their time.  For us, besides the wonderful food, the highlight had to be the little people performing the nativity.  Let me tell you a little bit about it:

Narrator - Great Grampa
Mary - Jacey,
Joseph - Hyrum,
Baby Jesus - Our new baby, Joseph Allen (1 month old),
Angel - Stella,
Shepherd - Kingston,
Wisemen - Camilla, Amelia, Jenny,
Donkey - Leslie

It went like this:
Mary sat sedately looking over Baby Jesus who was perfect in his sleeping repose on the soft pillow.  Joseph stood by her side.  The shepherd flitted all over the countryside presumably looking for the lost sheep.  The angel quietly did her own thing.  The wise(ladies) came along nicely after what would have been a spill of frankincense and finding the lid for it.  The donkey sat at the corner of the stable completely in awe of the fact that he had carried the woman who carried the King.

We LOVED this short program.  Addie videod it.  Hopefully you will all get a chance to view it.  Too fun.  We are already looking forward to next year when everyone will be one year older. 

We so love all of our family,
Merry Christmas
Gramma & Grampa