When I was in the hospital, I happened to mention that election day was our fifty eighth anniversary. In unison, three women said "Do you have any tips"
My reply was as follows:
* Please and thank you go a long way.(silence)
* Say 'I love you' at least once per day. (silence)
* Greet with a smile and always kiss good bye. (silence)
* Use touch. when you walk by your partner, gently touch his shoulder, arm or whatever (silence)
The lady in the bed next to me said "and never go to bed on an argument." Always a good suggestion.
I don't think they expected a sermon but I guess they got one.
I would have liked to add something I heard in a talk many years ago. I don't know who said it or the exact wording but we were told a church leader said the following it went something like this:
Marriage is not a 50/50 proposition. As soon as we check to see if our spouse is giving 50%, we are looking for trouble. Rather, marriage is 100/100. If each partner gives 100% then we can have a marriage made in heaven.
Perhaps some of you techno people out there can find out who said this.
Now I want to give a tribute to the most wonderful partner in the world:
I was very blessed to marry a wonderful man and you were all very blessed to have an absolutely fantastic patriarch in your family. One you can all be proud to look up to and hopefully emulate.
My husband, your dad, grandpa, great grandpa and great great grandpa is without a doubt the most kind, caring compassionate man I have ever met. How I was the lucky one to be placed into his loving arms I will never know. You can all be proud to bear his family name.
Thank you for 58 wonderful years, Honey. I look forward to eternity with you. Thank you for all you have done for me. I love you so very much.