Monday, July 19, 2010

clearwater picnic

We took Keisha, Austin and Brooke for a picnic at the Christina river campsite and did a little fishing last week. We went further up the river and found a nice sandbar and went for a dip. It was a little overcast and had some rain at the start but it turned out to be quite nice. I think the temp. got up to about 22-23 deg.

The boat is quite noisy, so everyone wears hearing protection. As you can see Austin is singing, I'm sure it sounds nice but no one could hear him.
Later in July or August the water will get very clear. it wasn't as murky as the camera shows. It has been quite high water due to Spring run off and rain. The level of the river has dropped at least a couple feet (60cm) since I first took the boat out in late may.

Thanks for the pics and updates of everones families. We sure do enjoy them. All the little ones are growing and changing so much, even the young adults are changing too but not so much as the children. We are really looking forward to the Reunion. (hopefully I won't be called in to work). It will be a challenge to cook for 40 plus people without a kitchen but I'm sure we will do fine.


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for the update, Brent. I love the picture of the three little ones. Especially Austin singing! Nice to see you enjoying your boat. The grandkids will have great memories.

Mom & Dad

The Hudkins Family said...

Ditto to Grandma's comment, I was just going to write I love the pic of the three with ear protection. Such fun times!!! Love ya ~Jenny