Thursday, September 29, 2011

General RS Meeting

I did not get to the General Relief Society Meeting on Saturday evening but took the opportulnity to watch it on the computer this pm.  It was spiritually uplifting to me.  I especially enjoyed Pres. Uchtdorf's address.  He talked about the five petals on the little forget-me-not flower.

I always enjoy when someone can take an everyday thing that most of us take forgranted see something spiritual.  Pres. Uchtdorf talked about the five petals on the flower as follows:

First, forget not to be patient with yourself.
Second, forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
Third, forget not to be happy now.
Fourth, forget not the "why" of the gospel.
Fifth, forget not that the Lord loves you.

If you get a chance, I would encourage all of you (yes, the guys too) to go to the church website and either listen or read the talks.  Very inspiring and uplifting.

Grampa is doing great and sends his love.

Love you all,


The Stannix's said...

I loved that talk. I found a few cute handouts for my fridge to remind me of the 5 points. If anyone wants to print them, check them out here >

Love ya!