Friday, March 23, 2012

Family Reunion??

We have tentatively booked a place for a family reunion.  The only weekend available is July 28 & 29.  Please let us know if you are interested.  You can check out the site by googling Back to the Woods Alberta. 

We need to know by this Sunday - March 25th so that we can get a deposit to them. 

Gramma & Grampa


Jon and Alyson said...

Hi Gramma, I think the place looks awesome! Although is there an opportunity for us to have it on the Friday or until Monday for an extra day or is that too much? Just wondering, I like my fam so much that I want all the time we can have. =) - Alyson

The Hudkins Family said...

I'd love to join id be willing to donate a bit of funds as well just let me know. I'll book the time off thank you and love you

The Hudkins Family said...

Mikel & I can make it for sure. If we do indeed book it, Louis will see about booking some holidays or finding someone willing to do some "mutuals". I say go ahead and I would be willing to donate some funds too!
Auntie Charlene xo

polischuk said...

As per our convo Gramma, the Polischuk fam are in!!! Our move in date is the weekend before but we wouldn't miss this...reunions are just such fun. Thanks ~Jenny

Anonymous said...

if cals going im out