Monday, April 30, 2012

Jacey at Ability Camp - Week 2

Oh week 2, you came in like a lion...and you left like one too! We are healthy and working hard...kind of. Jacey is not as impressed with her session as she led us to believe the first 2 days. She is such a sweet natured, mellow, pleasant little girl that when we dropped her off Monday morning, it was a shock that she screamed to not go. I know right?!?! This week has been uber challenging. Jacey has been really clingy which I am sure stems from dropping her off in session with a couple of unknown ladies, other crying kids and hard work to be done. She is definitely exerting her independance. Her independance includes: arching backwards off EVERYTHING!, refusing to do the activities resulting in not one but TWO timeouts, trying to bite the conductor (seriously??) and receiving only half of a sticker for an activity. The butt end of a sticker might I add!! hehe She is such a strong willed kid. I am kind of shocked, I didn't realize she had it in her. Is it wrong of me to be a bit sad for her but kind of proud that she is exhibiting these opinions?!?! The conductor is great, she just tells me that she isn't going to bend to Jacey's wants, she needs to realize that she isn't going to get what she wants. So tough love week began, and I only cried to Jon on the phone once at the very end of it. How strong am I?!? hehe (Although silently I swallowed tears every morning while dropping her off and she screamed for 4 HOURS STRAIGHT!!!) Yeah, you read that right. My mom was here for the last week also and was super great. Every time I walked into the room with swimming eyes she just told me how great this was for Jacey and what a good thing it is teaching her. She rocks! Also helping with the laundry, cooking, dishes, Jacey stuff and remembering to grab the shampoo and conditioner, not once but four times. hehe I love her and was soooo sad that she left on Sunday. I am all by myself now and feel a little bit overwhelmed. However, the other people here have been great and realy helpful. Although Jacey refuses to let any of them touch her. There is one adult brain injury patient here who wants to hold her and play with her so bad, and Jacey holds her hand but if she reaches out to take Jacey, there is a scream a thon! We had a mini breakthrough yesterday when I was cooking dinner, Jacey followed one of the other kids into the session room and played in there while I was in the kitchen. She averted her eyes for like 20 minutes without wigging out. It was the most glorifying 20 minutes of non-clingy time that I had. AWESOME!! Jacey has been doing well though in all seriousness. She is sitting independantly for all of her lunches, up to a table with a handle bar and helping feed herself those meals. Also during dinner time now that Gramma is gone, she is sitting on the table independantly while I feed her. It is also amazing how loose her hands are, opening and closing around things and reaching up high for things. Walking, she has more oomph to her steps and wears these amazing shoes. Pottying is....interesting. She is arching off of it all the time, and her little tush red from rubbing on the potty seat all the time. But we did make one pee on the pot, TMI?!? Nah, it's little kid pee, not that gross. Another awesome thing (well kind of) is that during her scream a thons in class while she is sitting on chairs or stools, she is mastering getting down. The conductor told me that she is a smart girl as she continually is trying to get off the equipment (not while they are supposed to, don't get to proud of her yet). She will reach her hands down to gauge how far up she is and then slide her bum to the edge and reach her arms down to help herself down. She does this over and over again, (resulting in the time outs and half sticker hehe) but that if it is higher, she takes more time to get off. Our conductor told me that it shows her brain is really processing and planning her moves out. YEAH FOR NOT FOLLOWING THE RULES RIGHT!?!?! The conductor also told me that she is probably one of the strongest, most stubborn kids she has worked with. Umm I hear another high five Jacey coming!? In all truthfullness, this is probably one of the hardest things that I have ever done. Relinquishing all Jacey control to someone unknown, and trusting that they are doing the best for your kid. I have learned soooo much from the conductor and the other parents, that it blows my mind. Jacey is such a crazy, gongshow, apparently brilliant kid and I love her spunk. She works hard every day and I see such changes. I can't wait for Mr Bird to get here and spell me off. I miss him! I also really appreciate your emails, comments and love. Thanks guys! Take care and we'll update again probably in a week. Love y'all!! - Alyson and Jacey


Anonymous said...

Alyson - thanks for the update. It is good to know that Jacey's asserting herself in some normal ways. Too bad it's so frustrating. Hopefully she will give you some space this week. Wish I could take some of that stress but things just don't work that way.

The good thing is that now we ALL know to treat Jacey like a little girl, not a baby and she will live up to our expectations. Sometimes we tend to be just TOO kind and loving.

We are delighted to hear of the strides Jacey is making. Anything worth doing is now ever easy but is very worth it.

You are doing a great job and we are very proud of you. We love you so very much.

Hugs and Loves,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Alyson and Jon you are such good parents, I really admire you two and Roxanne and I really love you two and Jacey. She is so special.

Uncle Brent