Monday, April 15, 2013

Family Stories and why they are important

I came across this super interesting article on family stories and about how knowing your family 'stuff' helps you be a more emotionally healthy person. How knowing your family stories helps you face challenges with a greater strength, how you develop a stronger sense of self and self esteem, it was super cool!!!! I ended up following the links to a series of articles and just had to share....seriously interesting and beautiful.   I took the 20 Question Quiz and knew the answers to every single one - BOOM - good job teaching me family.  Hopefully in thirty years my ladies will know the answers.  Enjoy!

Love you all,


The Hudkins Family said...

Really loved this post Jenny! Makes me want to be a better record keeper! (maybe less time quilting and more time scrapbooking) I think we could change #20 to include how the gospel came in to our family. Garth, do you think you could post the answer to #5 for us all. Gramma and Grampa could post #15. Would love to hear from some of the grandkids which answers they knew. hint hint
Charlene xo

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting. I couldn't answer all questions about my parents and they are no longer around to ask. You probably know that we are S L O W L Y working on a book and you will get many answers from us. As for the last question, I know it was thrown in for fun, but it made me think of my family and I decided that, thankfully, they were all pretty upbeat.

Garth said...

I also really liked this post Jenny. Thanks for putting it on the family blog. This is very important information.

I have had a strong feeling for a few years now that it is important for children to know who they are and how they fit into their extended family. Also I felt that knowing about their parents and grandparents lives would give them a better sense of belonging and some sort of inner strength.

I wasn't sure why I felt this was important until I read this I know why!

Oh, and Gramma and Grampa met in a back alley while they were playing garbage man. ha ha.

On a more serious note, I will try to write something on the blog about gramma and grampa meeting. Let me ponder it a bit.

The Hudkins Family said...

I used this idea as a Family Home Evening activity at our Stake Temple Week and it went over very well!