Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Update From Camrose!

Hello Everyone,

It has been some time since we have been on here.  Life seems to get so busy and we let time run away on us. We would like to introduce our new addition to our family.
               Preston Brent Hudkins born on January 25,2014 at 8:25pm, weighing 10lbs 5ounces,in Camrose, Alberta.

We really didn't know what it would be like having a fourth kiddo in the house, but so far it hasn't been to crazy.  Advil is our new best friend to help with those long days and headaches that come with them.  Our house sounds like a train station at rush hour. in the end though, we wouldn't trade it for the world. Love our family.
Onto the rest of the update;
In December we moved from Fort Mac to Camrose and we couldn't be happier.  Keisha and Austin are enjoying their school and the bus ride to and from each day.  Nice for us parents because we don't need to gather the younger two for a five minute ride. Keisha has made many friends here but still talks of her BFF's from Fort Mac. Austin had no problem settling in, and even managed to make friends with a few boys that he catches the bus with in our neighborhood.   We have a park across the street from our home and Mason sounds like a broken record asking day and night to go play. ha-ha. Milder spring temperatures would be great to get out and enjoy the park with him.
Kristina has been enjoying the cuddles she gets from Preston (she snuggles him to pieces). She is looking forward to the summer when she can explore this new city and the trail system they have here,
As for myself, I still work in Fort Mac commuting back and forth, which is no fun at all but pays the bills.  In wake of the incident I was involved in at work in Sept of 2012, I no longer operate heavy equipment at Syncrude. They are currently looking for a new position for me within the organization that will accommodate my situation (takes ages though).  In the meantime I decided I would start a new career on my own, so I enrolled in NAIT: Fourth Class Power Engineering Online course.  I can still work full time but with some sacrifice I can finish this course on my own terms. I am really looking forward to the doors that will open for me and my family. Hopefully get closer to our new home as well.
Well I should get to bed now, been studying all night and have to be up too early.

Love from,

Jordan, Kristina, Keisha, Austin, Mason, Preston and Luna (meow meow)

Monday, February 17, 2014

30th Birthday Bash

Awesomeness from the 80s right here!!!! So Tom Selleck, The Goonies and Al n Jon were all original to the 80s....1984 actually.  This year both Jon and Alyson turn 30, come celebrate if you can;
Saturday March 1st @ 7pm
the Polischuk's house 25 Greenfield Bend Fort Sask
come dressed for the 80s - google it if needed
rsvp to Jenny

Friday, February 14, 2014

Avon calling

Hello Everyone!

It's been awhile since I last posted.  I hope you enjoyed the homemade stuff I posted a while back.  Brent and I are heading to Hawaii on Monday!  We're going to Oahu and will be going to the Polynesian Culture Centre as well as the active volcano on the big island of Hawaii. We're getting pretty excited!

On another note...

So, to keep myself busy, I decided to become an Avon Representative once again!  I sold Avon about 30 years ago in Swan Hills and have been using their products on/off since.  It's not always easy finding an Avon Rep!

Anyway, if you are interested, please contact me at roxannehudkins60@live.com.  I will then send you the link and  you can get registered.  You can shop online or I can send you the brochures if you wish. Your products will be delivered to you.  If you have any questions, give me a call at 403 847 1060.  If you know of anyone wanting Avon, please give them my email address.  Thanks!!

Well, time to start packing…

Take care and love you all,