Thursday, July 17, 2014


Hi Everyone!
Less than two weeks to  REUNION  TIME!  YAHOO!!
We do need a COUNT - to plan for food..
Please rsvp with numbers so we can grocery shop effectively.

3 ways to respond:
   1.  comment on this blogpost
   2.  email Charlene -
   3.  text my cell - 780.881.4888
Please do not go to my facebook account as I do not do the face book thing...

Watch next week on the blog for a map to the reunion site.

Love, Charlene


The Stannix's said...

All of the astannix fam will be there (5). Thanks auntie!

Jon and Alyson said...

Mom, you know the Birds will be hitting up the 4. =)

Anonymous said...

Gramma & Grampa will be there and hope to get 4 generation pictures done.
Love you all.

The Hudkins Family said...

Brent, Brooke and myself will be there for sure.

Nancy & Troy said...

Calorado / suzie/ lucie yes
Jeanine / kouper / jaxen yes
Mackenzy / colton maybe
Nancy maybe
for the maybes we will not know for sure until closer to the reunion.
will let you know as soon as we can

Naomi said...

Arland and Naomi will be joining the festivities!

The Hudkins Family said...

Jordan's family. 6 but only 5 eating!!

The Hudkins Family said...

Were coming up just for the Saturday (Jordan) hope I do a big family photo that day ;)