Friday, June 10, 2016

Reunion Update

Hello Family! The reunion is just over a month away and I wanted to send out a reminder as well as provide a little update. Upon inspecting the picnic site further, there's been a change in location. The reunion will now be held at Goldbar Park (10955 - 50th Street) on JULY 23rd from 1-4PM.  If you've already mapped out the way to the previous location, you'll find that this one is in the same neighborhood and very easy to get to!

You'll notice the park in the TOP RIGHT hand corner.


We will be providing the main course and beverages, but ask that each family bring either a salad/side/chips/dessert or something along those lines to share! 

If we haven't heard from you yet, could you please get in touch with either myself, or Arland and Naomi to let us know if you're coming! You can leave a comment here, or reach us on facebook.We need numbers to ensure there's enough food for everyone. 

Also feel free to bring balls, games to help us enjoy the afternoon!

Can't wait to see you all there!!!

Addie & Mike, Naomi & Arland