Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hey Everyone

Just dropping a note to see how everyone is doing, I hope all is well. Cal is doing well with his promotion, he is enjoying learning some new things as well as revisiting some of the things he learned in culinary school. He has a lot of fun with the bakers he works with.

Nancy and the crew down south are doing OK, I talk to them every night (a few times for almost two hours). In Kenzy's last two hockey games she got a goal and assist in one and three assists in the other. She is a strong force on her team.

I am doing OK as well. we are still busy at work, still doing ten hour days and Saturdays. They say that it shouldn't last much longer. We are building twenty blast proof units right now unit #9 came into the shop yesterday. The units weigh 36 tons each (72,000 lbs). They are built from solid steel, the walls are eight inches thick and then insulation, framing more insulation plywood and then gyproc. What an interesting build.

Time to sign off, got to head to work. Love to all and take care,



The Hudkins Family said...

Nice to hear from you, Son, and we're happy things are going so well. It's good to see you getting up before breakfast!

Gramma & Grampa