Monday, February 1, 2010

things have got much better =)

my promotion is pretty sweet i got to bake ficosia buns and bread today learned how to bake scones,muffins,cinimon rolls,cheese buns and butter topped buns its pretty fun plus a big whoppin 15 dollars an hour instead of that whimpy 11 i was getting earlier . but its all fun i enjoy every minute of it the bakers are nice im learning very quickly and im sure ill be fat in no time lol they always say never trust a skinny baker =) anyways im off now miss you all and cant wait for another visit love ya

Cal the one and only

p.s. brown snow is no better then yellow so stay away and never lick cold pole in the winter it hurts.


The Hudkins Family said...

Good job, Cal. We're proud of you. Now I can't wait for you to teach me all those baking tricks you learn.

Gramma & Grampa