Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Handsome Chauffeurs

It's true! Gramma & Grampa had two handsome chauffeurs going to RMH for Arland's graduation. Chris drove down and Mike drove back. We just relaxed. It was great.

Arland's grad was really nice. Congratulations to him. Now -- if that Rocky bunch would only post some pictures! I bet they're already on facebook but not on the blog.

Arland looked great in his pin-striped suit. We were pretty proud.

We are also proud of Mackenzy who graduated this year as well and are looking forward to pictures when they get squared away in Lethbridge.
I know trying to get settled into a different place is a big chore and takes time so we'll be patient but will not forget. We would have loved to be at her grad too, but not possible at this time.

On the way home we came through Bentley and I showed the boys the farm where I lived. I am always in awe when I come down the hill towards Gull Lake. It is so beautiful and still makes me just a little homesick. But the funnest part was when Mike said that he never had so many vehicles pass him on the QEII as he did on Sunday afternoon. Could it be that he was cognizant of his speed with Grampa in the car?

Love you all lots. We are looking so forward to the family reunion when our whole family can be together. That to me, is a little bit of heaven on earth.

Lots of love forever,
Gramma & Grampa

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

from the rockies

I agree with Gramma, we are excited to have most of our family back on Canadian soil. Welcome back Nancy, Kenzie, Cassidy and Janine! I am excited to see everyone at the reunion, it will be a lot of fun to see how everyones families have grown and changed.

Thank you Graham and Jenn for taking the time to stop in and visit us in Rocky. You guys sure have a cute little daughter, good thing she has her mom and dads looks!!

Love Garth

Little Girls

I am amazed at how young girls learn to nurture. I took Camilla shopping with me the other day and we looked at the Dolls in Wal-Mart. It was so sweet watching her hug, cradle, and pat the dolly.

"I take great delight in my role as a nurturer, which allows me to express my deepest identity as a woman. I never fail to be struck by the way that women, young women, and even little girls seem to have an instinctive interest and ability in nurturing. It is not only a mother's primary responsibility but also part of our 'individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose'. To nurture is to teach, to foster development, to promote growth, to feed and to nourish. Who would not shout for joy at being given such a blessed role?"
~Susan W. Tanner

Here's a video of Miss CJ "nurturing" the doll in Wal-mart. We are totally buying her a doll for her first birthday!!

More on this, and other news about our family and the munchkin can be found by clicking here

Happy blogging!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome Back to Canada

We are delighted that Troy and Cal brought Nancy, Mackenzy. Cassidy and Jeanine back onto Canadian soil this past weekend. Now we just have to keep being optimistic that the other two will make the change.

Welcome back, family - we are really happy to have you closer, and hope and pray that everything will work out for the best for you.

Keep facing the sunshine!! (when there is any in that southern country this year)

Gramma & Grampa

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Amelia Ann turns 1 Year Old!!!

What a change a year makes....

Wow, hold up time is going too fast....our baby girl turned 1!!! The above pic is from June 10th 2009 the day Amelia joined our family and the above, above is of the lady in her new party dress. So I have been bugged about taking too many pictures but seriously how quickly the year has flown and how quickly wee folk change. Just thought I would share a few of the pics our family has taken lately.

Don't you just want to kiss the dimple chin of this girl!!!

Wearing her '1' onesie and discovering bubbles. Sporting her party hat!!!!

Showing how old she turned! (We taught her that, cool right??!!)

Our family had big changes this month. We had to let our male dog Tony go. He would have been 8 years old in July and we got him and Tula from the SPCA when we had only been married a month. They have ALWAYS been part of our little Polischuk family, literally from the beginning. It was super hard and heartbreaking but we didn't want him to suffer. For years these critters had been our furry babies! Things had not been right with Tony for a few months and we were finally able to get a diagnosis, and knew we needed to let him go. The thought that kept running through my mind is that he had fulfilled the 'measure of his creation', Heavenly Father has given us these lovely creatures that we might have joy in one another and seriously there were many years of joy and cuddles.

Amelia looks so funny in this one above, our photographer friends fav!

I think my fav is the one below! Families change right, that is inevitable.
Much love coming to each of you from the Polischuk's xoxoxo

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We've Officially got a WALKER!!

Over the past few weeks Camilla has been experimenting with her balance. In May, she took a grand total of five steps all on her own!! We had to coax her with the remote control, but it was a start!! We were so excited, but she still wasn't ready to give up crawling. We waited a whole week for her to take her next steps.....Over the past few days, she's been getting the hang of it, and excited to move on to walking like a big girl. Today I was finally able to get the little lady to "perform" for me on video. Thought I would share!! The most steps she's taken is 15 so far, but we are very excited for her and love watching her learn and grow.

On Tuesday, Mike was given tickets to go and see the Edmonton Capitals Baseball team play. Camilla was able to join us and experienced her first baseball game. She loved clapping with the fans and making friends in the stands. (She also loved all the old, dry gum under the chairs (eww...) and kept mommy and daddy very busy!! ) It was a beautiful night though, and fun to get outside and enjoy some sports!

These are from May long out at my parents place. Grampa took Cami for a ride on the lawn mower (she was sleeping after 2 rounds). It was cute!! Reminded me of when I was a little girl and would help dad mow the lawn...and fall asleep on his lap....

Love lots,
The Stannix fam!