Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Handsome Chauffeurs

It's true! Gramma & Grampa had two handsome chauffeurs going to RMH for Arland's graduation. Chris drove down and Mike drove back. We just relaxed. It was great.

Arland's grad was really nice. Congratulations to him. Now -- if that Rocky bunch would only post some pictures! I bet they're already on facebook but not on the blog.

Arland looked great in his pin-striped suit. We were pretty proud.

We are also proud of Mackenzy who graduated this year as well and are looking forward to pictures when they get squared away in Lethbridge.
I know trying to get settled into a different place is a big chore and takes time so we'll be patient but will not forget. We would have loved to be at her grad too, but not possible at this time.

On the way home we came through Bentley and I showed the boys the farm where I lived. I am always in awe when I come down the hill towards Gull Lake. It is so beautiful and still makes me just a little homesick. But the funnest part was when Mike said that he never had so many vehicles pass him on the QEII as he did on Sunday afternoon. Could it be that he was cognizant of his speed with Grampa in the car?

Love you all lots. We are looking so forward to the family reunion when our whole family can be together. That to me, is a little bit of heaven on earth.

Lots of love forever,
Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

Congrats all GRADS!! WOOT WOOT!! It is a milestone to be celebrated. Grandma I'm sure Mike's speed had nothing to do with you guys being in the car. hahahah Much love ~Auntie Nancy & Jenny (we are visiting Lethbridge)