Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Little Girls

I am amazed at how young girls learn to nurture. I took Camilla shopping with me the other day and we looked at the Dolls in Wal-Mart. It was so sweet watching her hug, cradle, and pat the dolly.

"I take great delight in my role as a nurturer, which allows me to express my deepest identity as a woman. I never fail to be struck by the way that women, young women, and even little girls seem to have an instinctive interest and ability in nurturing. It is not only a mother's primary responsibility but also part of our 'individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose'. To nurture is to teach, to foster development, to promote growth, to feed and to nourish. Who would not shout for joy at being given such a blessed role?"
~Susan W. Tanner

Here's a video of Miss CJ "nurturing" the doll in Wal-mart. We are totally buying her a doll for her first birthday!!

More on this, and other news about our family and the munchkin can be found by clicking here

Happy blogging!


The Hudkins Family said...

that is really fun to watch addie. you are right it is really neat to see how little girls have that nurturing instinct.

Love Garth

The Hudkins Family said...

So precious! Thanks for sharing. What a cutie.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Totally love it!!! The quote is beautiful.

Walmart does have a great selection of dolls; bald babies, yarn hair, you name it they have the right one for your little doll!! Enjoy! Love Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Totally love it!!! The quote is beautiful.

Walmart does have a great selection of dolls; bald babies, yarn hair, you name it they have the right one for your little doll!! Enjoy! Love Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Yes, that girl definitely needs a "baby" for her birthday! I like how she checks out the price tag as if to say "Now, what is this doing here?" Gramma says that I used to tuck my dolls under my shirt to nurse them when I was little and she was feeding the boys - maybe that's why I am so interested in pursuing this post-partum doula thing 50 years later!
Auntie Charlene xo