Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Happy Birthday   DAD,   GRANDPA,   GREAT GRANDPA

We all Love you very much and wish you a very happy day.

I think I can speak for all of us when I tell you that you have been a great influence and example in our lives, from your own children and their spouses, to the grandchildren, and I know that the great grandchildren will also have a special place in their heart for you. I know that we all have wonderful memories of the family times spent together. The B-B-Q's, bus rides, and special times spent with you. We all look forward to many more great memories being created in the years to come. Thank you for all the guidance and support you have given each one of us through our lives.

Happy Birthday, we love you.

P.S. I hope all the males in our clan will grow up to be as wonderful as you have been.


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks a lot for the quick trip down memory lane!! I really am glad I've made it this far, and hope for more time to be around and with family. I'll try my best not to disappoint any of you in whatever I may say or do! Love you all lots.

The Hudkins Family said...

Yess - I'm married to an old man!!! How did that happen?

Thankyou to our children for the lovely BBQ for Dad's Bdays, Mothers Days, Fathers Days, Christmases and whatever for years to come. It is put together but not yet connected. Way fancier than we're used to. We need someone to show us how to work it!! Thank you again.

Dad has called and asked them to hold off until mid July after the temple is closed for his cornea transplant.

What are we doing for his birthday? He's helping at our ward baptism this evening and then coming over to the church to help RS assemble hygiene kits. We'll probably do something exciting like going to his favorite place to dine another day.

Love to everyone,

The Hudkins Family said...

Sorry for the late card Mom. I originally sent it the week before (in the yellow envelope with Dads card) but it came back insufficient postage.

Luv U 2 lots
