Friday, May 20, 2011

KICK THE CAN - Bunny Style

The blog is so quiet, I thought I'd tell you of our very exciting days of condo style retirement.  It doesn't take much to amuse us old  guys!

We have been watching rabbits in our backyard.  Last evening was the funnest.  Just before dark two were sparring just outside our den window.  It reminded me of our three sons who said "We're just play-fighting Mom."  When they sensed movement inside the window they both stopped dead still for a good ten minutes.  It was funny to watch. 

Later on when it was dark there were at least four horsing around outside the spare bedroom window.  I couldn't see them in the dark but Grampa could.  I could hear them though.  It sounded just like when you kids play Kick-The-Can at our family reunions.  I don't know if some of their little guys were playing with them, or just the bigger fellas.  Anyway, it was kind of fun. 

See - I told you it doesn't take much to amuse us!

Love to all,


The Hudkins Family said...

Sorry Mom we'll try to feed your addiction by blogging more. LOL
