Monday, October 24, 2011

Brandon& Barb- Arrival of Ariana Hudkins


Ariana Barbara Jean Roxanne Hudkins

Just a few of many pictures we would like to share with our family. Ariana is doing great and was moved from intensive care to intermediate care on the weekend. We are so proud of our 'lil' girl and can't wait to bring her home soon. Thank you all for your prays, well wishes and gifts.

BORN: October 14, 2011 @ 6:13 pm
WEIGHT: 3lbs & 6oz
LENGTH: 17 inches


Garth said...

congratulations Brandon and Barb!! What an adorable lil Girl!

Jon and Alyson said...

Congrats you guys!! So excited for you, glad that you are doing so well. She is a sweetheart. Love you guys! - The Bird Fam (Alyson)

polischuk said...

Wow what a precious little beauty, well done!! From the pics it looks like she is seriously adored. Can't wait to meet her. Love ya ~the Polischuk Fam

The Hudkins Family said...

A beautiful little dolly. I love her name. We are so delighted.
Enjoy every moment.
Much love,
Gramma & Grampa

The Stannix's said...

Congratulations. She's gorgeous! Super excited for you all!
Addie, Mike, Cj & Hyrum

The Hudkins Family said...

Thanx for the pictures - she looks great! Also looks as if everyone in the family is enjoying her already. I love her name also - a big handle for a little girl!
Lots of Love,
Auntie Charlene