Saturday, October 15, 2011

Update from Aaron and Chelsey

Hey Everyone!
Just thought we would update everyone with whats new with us. Chelsey finished her last day of work on Friday and is now officially on Maternity Leave. We have 4 weeks until our little man is supposed to be here - his due date is November 13th. We still don't have a name picked out yet so we are totally open for any suggestions anybody may have.
Chelsey had a baby shower in Fort McMurray and Roxanne and Kristina did a wonderful job of hosting it - Our baby is so spoiled already. We are very grateful for everything we received - we just really hope he is actually a BOY or else we will have a little girl wearing blue for a long time. haha.
We recently got some Maternity Pictures done and received a few of them back so we thought we would share them.
We hope everyone is doing well and will keep you all posted when our bundle of joy arrives!

Aaron & Chelsey


Troy & Nancy said...

Very Nice pictures! Didn't realize you guys are so close...hope u enjoy your last few weeks. Thanks for posting & keeping us up to date. Good luck and enjoy the little moments...they go fast.

Love Always

Auntie Nancy & Uncle Troy

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. You both look great. The bridge picture is especially impressive. We look forward to this little one.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Loved the pic's and yes the shower was great!