Sunday, November 27, 2011


Family, I know that you are a hairy bunch and a few are letting it grow for charity.
Here are what the Hinko boys have done.

Can you guess who is who?

It would be fun to see pics of your hair if you are growing it for Movember.
Hugs ~ Jenny

Saturday, November 26, 2011

chile news

I thought you all would be interested in watching this video from the church news site. This event took place in Chile, as they were celebrating 50 years of missionary work their. I felt it was really neat that Arland could be serving as a missionary in Chilie during this significant event. Arland had wrote us in one of his letters that he was actually able to attend on Saturday, October 15th. How cool was that!!

Love you all!

(Addie,thanks for your help in showing me how to post this video...the older I get the the more difficult it is to perform these techi type things...)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Mad Hatter

I have recently become addicted to making hats! I see sooo many cute patterns online and want to try them all. It started out with sock monkey hats and has progressed from there. Here's what I've done so far...

I found some fun Christmas santa hats and candy cane leggings to make next. I'm also going to make some booties for Mr. Hyrum. It is definitely an addiction!! I love crafting and creating. Hope everyone is well!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Elder's Christmas Mail

I hope that you will all send a Christmas card and note to our serving Elder Arland.  There is nothing more exciting for a missionary than to get some real mail.  Also -- Note that it takes A MONTH for the mail to get there so you need to get with the program right away. 

You will find his address on the right side of the Beans Blog. There is no reason why Arland should not be getting more Christmas cards than anyone else in  the mission.  We have a big family. 

OK - that's only part of my pep talk. 

What is happening to our FAMILY blog?  No one is contributing.  We are not all Facebookers.  We love hearing from you on the blog.  Please keep us updated on your comings and goings.

Yesterday we had a wonderful visit from a cousin that I had not seen for over 50 years.  What fun!!  He is a carbon copy of my Grampa - my mother's dad.  Brent found him at work.  We had a great afternoon.  A neat fellow and so fun to get re-acquainted.

Love you all.  Remember, please send Arland a Christmas letter/card (NOW)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Welcoming Jace Aaron Bjarne Hudkins

Jace was born Nov 12th @12:11pm in Red Deer. 6lbs 3oz. Chelsey and Jace are doing very well. They both sleep a lot giving me cuddle time with the new one. Chelsey did very well in the delivery room. She started feeling contractions very early saturday morning @ around 4am. So I guess total labor time would be 8hrs, good job hunny. There was a comical time in the delivery room where Chelsey screamed out "cant you just vacuum him out?" haha.(it was a natural birth with no drugs) I laughed a bit. So here are some pics:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who Says Romance Is Dead

And they say you look for a partner
that  has the same qualities as your mother.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Do you have to tell it all?

Where do you get the glaring right
To make my clothes look just too tight?

I think I'm fine  but I can see
You won't co-operate with me;

The way you let the shadows play,
You'd think my hair was turning grey.

What's that, you say?  A double chin?
No, that's the way the light comes in;

If you persist in peering so,
You'll confiscate my facial glow,

And then if you're not hanging straight,
You'll tell me next I'm gaining weight;

I'm really quite upset with you,
For giving this distorted view;

I hate you being smug and wise...
O, look what's happened to my thighs!

I warn you now, O mirrored wall,
We're not on speaking terms at all,

If I look like this in my new jeans,
You'll find yourself in smithereens!!

Auther Unknown