Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Welcoming Jace Aaron Bjarne Hudkins

Jace was born Nov 12th @12:11pm in Red Deer. 6lbs 3oz. Chelsey and Jace are doing very well. They both sleep a lot giving me cuddle time with the new one. Chelsey did very well in the delivery room. She started feeling contractions very early saturday morning @ around 4am. So I guess total labor time would be 8hrs, good job hunny. There was a comical time in the delivery room where Chelsey screamed out "cant you just vacuum him out?" haha.(it was a natural birth with no drugs) I laughed a bit. So here are some pics:


The Hudkins Family said...

Really good job. He is one handsome lad. Love the name, it suits him. Now I need you to send me a 3x5 picture for my great-grandbaby picture frame.
...and we know who the boss is in your family now!!

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

So cute! Good work you guys (especially Chelsey) He looks like he has big hands - maybe a big man? Haha
Auntie Charlene xo

Garth said...

Congratulations Aaron and Chelsey!! The three of you look excellent in the picture. This is a wonderful addition to your family.(and it really is all about family)!