Saturday, November 19, 2011

Elder's Christmas Mail

I hope that you will all send a Christmas card and note to our serving Elder Arland.  There is nothing more exciting for a missionary than to get some real mail.  Also -- Note that it takes A MONTH for the mail to get there so you need to get with the program right away. 

You will find his address on the right side of the Beans Blog. There is no reason why Arland should not be getting more Christmas cards than anyone else in  the mission.  We have a big family. 

OK - that's only part of my pep talk. 

What is happening to our FAMILY blog?  No one is contributing.  We are not all Facebookers.  We love hearing from you on the blog.  Please keep us updated on your comings and goings.

Yesterday we had a wonderful visit from a cousin that I had not seen for over 50 years.  What fun!!  He is a carbon copy of my Grampa - my mother's dad.  Brent found him at work.  We had a great afternoon.  A neat fellow and so fun to get re-acquainted.

Love you all.  Remember, please send Arland a Christmas letter/card (NOW)
