Friday, January 13, 2012

Jaxen Paul Allen Hudkins

We are very excited to share the newest Hudkins. We had Jaxen 19 minutes into the 11th, he was 8 pounds 19 and 1/2 inches. Kouper is loving his little brother, he gives lots of kisses, even in the middle of playing hockey, he will stop for a kiss. We are all doing great and happy to be home with our little men.

Just minutes old

Kouper meeting Jaxen, the biggest thank you we could give to the Birds for Kouper's first sleep over (and more then 2 hours away from mom, knowing he was with you was very comforting)

First family photo and very sleepy Mommy and Daddy

Our first moring home, Koup was asleep when we got home and we weren't sure if he understood that Jaxen was coming with us.

Playing before bed, Kouper was telling Jaxen all about how things were going to work for this little brother.

The Cassidy 4


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for sharing! Welcome to the Hudkins Family Jaxen! (Like the way his name is spelled)

Uncle Brent and Aunty Rocky

polischuk said...

Adorable!!!! Love and hugs to you guys. ~ The Polischuk Family

Jon and Alyson said...

Yeah Jaxen news! Congrat crew, we were loving having him here with us. No problem. I love how much Kouper loves his little brother, even though he'll show him who's boss! - Alyson

Garth Hudkins Family said...

Thank you for posting the photos. You have a wonderful looking family. Congrats to both of you.

Love Uncle Garth, Auntie Janene and Emma!

The Hudkins Family said...

Wow! I just opened the computer. So good to see the neat pictures. We are excited and delighted. A good looking #18. Now the grands and the greats are even steven. How did that happen so quickly? I love Jaxen's name.

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

Troy & Nancy said...

Grandma you have #19

Brandon 6
Aaron 2
Jordon 3

Jenny 2
Alyson 1
Leslie 1

Addie 2

Cassidy 2

Ya more that you even thougt..they are coming to fast!

The Hudkins Family said...

You're right - I have 19. I was laying in bed last night and counting: Brent & Roxanne - 11, Charlene & Louis - 4, Garth & Janene - 2, Troy & Nancy - 2 : Yup, I better change the number. So I get to the computer and you've already fixed me up.

As the saying goes "I'm richer than I think."

I LOVE IT. Thanks.

The Hudkins Family said...

Congrats guys on a new little son. There will not be many quiet moments at your house with two boys!!! They sure are cute!
Auntie Charlene xo