Monday, May 21, 2012

Jacey Ability Camp - Week 5

Well week 5 was a busy one. We started off having the whole "stay for another session" incident. We are excited for all aspects of this experience, however, a little homesick and mommy misses her bed. Jacey just kept trucking away this week in sessions and her hyperbaric dives, she also had a week full of potty stickers. She has consistently pooped every day in the morning in class or right before class and has had her first of 2 three sticker days... WAHOO Jacey "I do it in the potty" Bird!!! She seems quite proud of herself and more grown up, she gets excited when I ask her to do things or help with things like lifting her leg, or reaching with her arm as I would have just done both of those things for her before. I am just proud of her and really enjoying watching her change and morph into her big girl self. (Although secretly I enjoy giving her the extra cuddles and carrying her once in a while...not all the time though sheesh my back has already thanked me for the change)We also have experienced the no cry while walking into class on Thursday and Friday of this week. It only took 5 weeks for her to mellow out enough to walk into class without screaming her face off. Proud!! I was so excited when she looked back and smiled at me while she walked in with her Conductor. She is getting it, and I am interested to see what tomorrow brings for the infamous "walk in".
We had our Graduation on Thursday after class with a big celebration and our Conductor made homemade Hungarian Goulash and cake. It was so tasty and interesting to watch the little people eat it. The Graduation was cool, they handed out a medal with their name and session engraved on it and also a folder of all her artwork and potty sticker charts, which I haven't decided if I will gold crust them or blow them up to put on her wall as a "pick me up" hehe. All of the girls wore their Ability Camp shirts and black pants and they looked too cute while the only gent wore jeans and a fancy button up shirt it was just too cute!!!

We cleaned up and packed for the weekend and took off around noon on Friday for Niagara Falls. It was such a fun weekend as a family!! Jacey really enjoyed Marineland and mostly the rides, she was smiling and laughing on them and also watching the dolphin show was cool. We were not huge fans of the freakin hotness or the fact that the poor deer looked so hot that they were dead. There is a pic of Jacey and I watching one to see if it is breathing, and then when it did a smile pic after. Whewph!! Jon was in top form again as he slathered on the sunscreen but still burnt THE SIDE OF HIS FOOT....the only place without sunscreen. Seriously?!?! That was the first day followed by some Hard Rock Cafe and Hershey Chocolate shop and swimming in the pool to cool off. The next day we walked down to the Falls and did the Maid of the Mist. Jacey got soaked but rocked it and was smiling after, her biggest concern was the plastic poncho's. She hated them more than anything else. We then hit up the Rainforest Cafe, which Jacey liked as well. We contemplated some more sights but it was hot, Jacey was tired and we needed to get to Toronto to check in our rental and re-new and head to the hotel at the airport. We stayed right at the airport and ate a delicious meal there and went swimming again. Daddy left really early Monday morning here and Jacey and I headed back just in time to make our afternoon dive.

It was such a fun weekend and a real nice break before another busy 5 weeks. Can't wait for Jenny and Gramma Hudkins to get here next week. Counting down the days. Love y'all!! - Alyson and Jacey


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Al. So glad that you were able to have some down time and some fun. Looking forward to seeing you this coming weekend.

Love you lots,