Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jacey's Ability Camp- Week Four

Well, this is a bit of a late post as things have been "going down" since Sunday. Jacey and I are staying at Ability Camp for another 5 week session!!! The Director approached us and invited us to stay longer since Jacey was sick for the first week and we missed some time. Jon and I really had to make some decisions whether it would be good for our family or what. We decided that we were gonna make it happen! Soooo here is the low down. Jon, Jacey and I are going to head to Niagara Falls this weekend for 3 days of relaxation and family time before our 5 week break from each other. During our "oh my heck were staying for 10 weeks total time", my sister Jenny and Gramma Hudkins are coming together for a week and then Gramma will stay for another week with me and then either my mom or other sis Leslie will come for a bit at the end to help me head home with Jacey. Whewph, it is quite the set up and I am excited, nervous, tired, but really pumped for Jacey!!!

Well now that the whole oh my heck 10 weeks total time away is out of the way. Back to our week. Jacey is doing really great. We are a potty machine, Jacey has consistently pooped almost every morning this week and also for my mother's day present did a poop and 2 pee's...count em 2! She rocks and I am seeing a light at the end of the diaper tunnel. This week was the start of her first 2 sticker days and I was just so proud of her and she is so proud of herself as well. Jacey is also consistently using her walker to walk to and from most activities, with minimal assistance around her hips. Jacey is sitting independantly on her stool and her lunch chair and she is helping feed herself her meals. She is really separating herself from me more and doing things for herself. This is huge and I am soooo excited for myself and the break on my back and arms...and for Jacey of course too!! hehe Our time outs have slowly decreased to almost nothing, which has made for a nicer work out and mommy feeling better about things. She is just blossoming and amazing and you can tell how proud of herself she is. In other big news last week.....DADDY IS HERE!!! Jacey was a little apprehensive when she first saw him but it sure didn't take her long to be all over him. She missed him and was so happy that he was here. BUT, not as happy as mommy was to have him here. Jon has been a great support and help with taking over some of her hyperbaric dives and also being a participant in her sessions. We took some time together for our Anniversary (May 11) and toured around some of the tiny, beautiful towns in the area. We sampled some delicious cheese, and bought some cute things for our family members. This past weekend our whole camp group cooked a large mother's day dinner. It was sure enjoyed by everyone and such a great bonding experience. This is a shorter post because it is already into the last week and I will be letting y'all know about our future here. So excited and miss you all. Know that we are doing well and Jacey is doing amazing things here. So blessed to be able to do it again with family's awesome support. Thanks - A


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to seeing you both and hope that I can be of some use there.

We are excited for Jacey. We miss you both at home but you are definitely doing the right thing for Jacey. The Lord will bless you richly for this sacrifice.
Love you very much,
Gramma & Grampa

Anonymous said...

We are so pleased to hear all the wonderful progressive developments that Jacey has made at her camp. Glad to know that they are staying an extra week. Alyson, you rock, I am so proud of you. You too, Jon. It will be great having your sisters help out and Grandma too. Love to you all
Margo & Ian from Thistleland