Sunday, January 6, 2013

Who wants to SAVE?!?!

Hey family, this is something that was shared with me this year and our family has decided to do it. Some people will use this money for their Christmas shopping next year, or more responsibly for debt...I just wanna go on a vacation. (Clearly the responsible hasn't kicked it just yet!) I realized while looking at it and deciding how to set it up that by December next year it could become quite an expense during the season. So I have also decided that we are going to do it backwards and start with the $52 this week and move back. Then by the last week in December we will only be depositing $1. I have also decided that instead of looking at it by month, I would focus on the week at a time. I  realize for the first couple months it will be trickier to set that money aside, but if I break it down week by week, it won't seem so large. Good luck for those who have decided to try it! Love, The Bird Family (or really Alyson, and Jon didn't have much choice in my savings plan)


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanx for the great idea, Alyson. I am so going to do this!!! I have modified mine slightly, tho. Decided to just write numbers 1-52 on a paper in my money dish and cross them off randomly. This way, I can put the bigger amounts on pay weeks. I also am going to try and boost my total up to $1500 by doubling up some weeks (think income tax return). I crossed off 1,2,3,4 which adds up to $10 and then doubled that to throw in a $20 to get me started. So, I have already finished one month and will be finished at the end of December. Would love to hear others ideas/suggestions...
Auntie Charlene xo

Anonymous said...

This is a really neat idea to help anyone save. I think I will just keep Grampa paying the bills and purchases while I squirrel away the cash. Except now I can do it in a more organized fashion. Thanks for sharing the idea. Hopefully it will help us all. I think, checking in with a "saving partner" every week might be helpful.


Garth said...

what a neat way to save! sometimes we just need a plan to follow and then it will happen. I really like this idea Alyson.