Wednesday, January 30, 2013


So, my current calling is teaching Sunday School to 12 year olds and for those of you that haven't heard, we have a new curriculum.  There are no more lesson manuals!  We now have all our resources on-line.  This is a great system as it can now be updated after every General Conference and will therefore always be current and never obsolete.  This is so enviromentally friendly going paperless, not to mention the huge savings in printing and shipping costs. I also love how the church embraces and uses new techology. It has forced this old girl to struggle to keep up!  One of the greatest features is the many excellent video clips that the church produces.   I have learned 3 different ways to share them with my class and would like to try and share my latest favorite with all of you.  I hope you find it as interesting as I did!
Auntie Charlene xo


The Hudkins Family said...

Excellent video Charlene! Now wasn't that easy to attach a video? LOL, When are you gonna post a picture?


The Hudkins Family said...

I don't know how and it took me 3 tries to get the video!@#! It wasn't easy and it wasn't fun:)

Anonymous said...

Good job Charlene. You impress me for sure. What a great video. What were you doing up at 4:53 AM.

The Hudkins Family said...

Ya, it's called menopause!

polischuk said...

This is an amazing clip mom...thanks for sharing it! Love ya

Garth said...

really enjoyed that thought provoking clip Charlene! the church is producing some very high quality media!

when are you going to post a picture?