Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Thank you Charlene for sharing the last video you posted. And we all celebrate your great efforts to embrace this new technology! I think all us oldies struggle with this in one way or another. Yes even Brent has to learn it (he just wont admit it). That would be admitting you are getting old, right Brent?

I think the new teaching program in the Church is just great! I have had the opportunity to teach with it and it brings the spirit closer as you teach. I think this will be a huge benefit for the youth of our church!

I know it isn't Mothers Day but I wanted to share this wonderful mormon ad from Jeffrey R. Holland. I love listening to him speak and could listen to him all day! This is to all the young Moms in our extended Family....know that we love you and support the work you are doing in your homes, raising and teaching your families!

I would just like to take this moment to let my Mom know how greatful I am for the responsibility she took in raiseing myself, my brothers and my sister... thanks Mom! I would also like to thank my wife for all the work and the great example she has been in raising our Family!

Enjoy the video!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Garth. I love listening to Elder Holland. I also need to tell you that we flew by the seat of our pants. Luckily our children grew up to be wonderful people in spite of their parents. We have truly been blessed and thanks be to the Lord for His guiding hand. Without Him we would have been sunk.

Mostly, we are very proud of the wonderful job our children and grandchildren are doing in 'mothering' and 'fathering'. I stand in awe of each and every one. You are ALL doing a great job. Thank you for being who you are. We love you lots and are very proud of you.

Gramma & Grampa