Friday, March 29, 2013

Grampa's Head

I've been chuckling all week:

Last Monday Kingston spent the day with us.  He was busy messing around  with Grampa when he suddenly asked  "Grampa can I kiss your head?"

I guess he looked at that cute bald head (not being used to seeing a bald head) and wondered just how it would feel to kiss it.  Way too cute. 

I asked Grampa if I could share this precious memory and he agreed (well - he didn't disagree!!)  We enjoyed getting to know Kingston and his cute personality better. 


Thursday, March 21, 2013

a few months back...

A few months back a celebration occurred in honour of Grandma turning 75.  I don't think these pictures have been shared and they are adorbs (my new fun word for adorable).  ENJOY!!!!!

*** Grandma Turns 75 ***




So serious love this lady and her guy!  How awesome are they?!
It was such a fun evening and so special to honour Grandma.
Six months later (sorry all) are some pictoral highlights of our awesome Grans 75th!!!!!
Love ya ~ Jenny & Emma - the photographer

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My boss showed me this french commercial yesterday.  I thought it was hilarious - or as my friends and I used to say in high school - G.F.A.L. (good for a laugh)  Enjoy!
Auntie Charlene xo

Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Party

LtoR: Amelia, Jaxon, Kouper, Kingston, Joseph, Hyrum, Stella, Jacey, Camila

Some serious fun occurred last week when a few of us got together to have a St. Patty's Party!!  It was such a good time!  A big thanks to Jeanine, Kouper and Jaxon for hosting.  The littles actually played pretty well together.  Of course there were some squabbles over 'hot' toys but there were nine of them under five....they actually played super well together.

We had a green themed potluck lunch!

We made green shamrock necklaces!

We tossed gold coins in a big sauce pan!  (you know POT-OF-GOLD style)

We just goofed around and played together!!

It was a wonderful time!  Always worth the effort to make it happen.  Thanks to all who came.  Out of towners, we wish you lived closer!  Hugs
~ Jenny

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jacey's Fundraising Video for Ability Camp

Please Click on the link to see my Video!

Ability camp asked Alyson and Jacey to do a video about their successful fundraising and here it is.


The Birds