Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Jacey's Fundraising Video for Ability Camp

Please Click on the link to see my Video!

Ability camp asked Alyson and Jacey to do a video about their successful fundraising and here it is.


The Birds


Anonymous said...

Really good job Alyson & Jacey. Thanks for sharing. So good to see Jacey with her walker. She is an awesome little girl with the sweetest personality. We are proud of you all. You are doing a great job.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

hey Al, I really enjoyed the video. Don't tell anyone but as I watched Jacey working at her exercises, it started to pull at my heartstrings. She is a very special little lady and her parents are very special also.Luv U lots!

Uncle Brent

Uncle Garth said...

Loved the video. Jacey is blessed to have such wonderful and supportive parents! Thank you John and Alyson for the great example you are to us have a special daughter! Love you all.