Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Party

LtoR: Amelia, Jaxon, Kouper, Kingston, Joseph, Hyrum, Stella, Jacey, Camila

Some serious fun occurred last week when a few of us got together to have a St. Patty's Party!!  It was such a good time!  A big thanks to Jeanine, Kouper and Jaxon for hosting.  The littles actually played pretty well together.  Of course there were some squabbles over 'hot' toys but there were nine of them under five....they actually played super well together.

We had a green themed potluck lunch!

We made green shamrock necklaces!

We tossed gold coins in a big sauce pan!  (you know POT-OF-GOLD style)

We just goofed around and played together!!

It was a wonderful time!  Always worth the effort to make it happen.  Thanks to all who came.  Out of towners, we wish you lived closer!  Hugs
~ Jenny


The Hudkins Family said...

Looks like it was alot of fun! (for the kiddies). Just think, it would be quite a handful for an unprepared nursery teacher. LOL

Uncle Brent

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a bunch of cuties. I bet that house was hopping! Too much fun.

Gramma & Grampa