Friday, May 10, 2013

A Mom/Gramma/Great Gramma/Auntie Update

Hey family, Grampa asked me to update the family on Gramma and my mom's arrival in Poland. The time difference is 8 hours ahead of our time here. Grampa was fortunate enough to Skype with them this morning (evening their time) and they are doing well. Their rental vehicle is a Peugeot and it is a stalled once! She will never hear the end of it, as she claims her driving skills are fab. They have already hit up a few sights and are sure enjoying their time together. I will keep updating when I hear from them or Grampa hears from them. We told them to stay safe and enjoy all they can....regardless of cost....although I am sure both husbands are not saying the same thing hehe Love you all, take care. - Alyson