Thursday, June 27, 2013

Attention Hudkins Family and Relatives

On August 24, 2013
There will be a 1 day family get together / mini reunion
 This event is for all family and extended family
(and anyone who needs a family)

We have reserved Centennial Park picnic site in Sherwood Park
The reservation is from 1 pm until 5 pm
It allows us use of the covered facility and some picnic tables
All who attend will be responsible to bring their own lunch
and a dessert to share with others

Feel free to show up early to visit and play with others
And stay later if you feel so inclined
Just know that we are not able to be in the covered area before our allotted time
Please bring lawn chairs and picnic blankets

You can click on the link below and print out a map

View Larger Map

or use this map and follow the directions below
The pink circle is Centennial Park
Traveling east on Yellowhead Trail from Edmonton
Turn right (south) onto Sherwood Drive
You will see the Park on your right

We look forward to seeing
all that are able to attend

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Elder Arland Hudkins Home From Chile!

I just wanted to write and let family and friends know that Elder Hudkins will be leaving from his mission in Santiago Chile on Monday July 15th and will be arriving at the Edmonton international airport on Tuesday July 16th at 1:30pm. (Delta Air Lines flight 5680)

We thought it would be kind of neat to have a welcoming party at the airport to greet Elder Hudkins after being away for two years!  Please help us in spreading the word to those who might be interested. Brent, Charlene and Troy...I am not connected to face book and other media, could you please help spread the word to the cousins?  I know that Arland would be so excited to see his cousins and the young children and babies!

For those of you who cannot make it to the airport we would like to invite you to Addie and Mike4's, "new" home for that afternoon, as a meeting place, or open house. (Please call us and we can provide you with the address). There will be light refreshments provided and please remember it is very important to bring your children!! This will be a place where we will all be able to gather and visit with Arland. Thank you Mike and Addie for providing your home for this special occasion.

We know that Arland will be tired from his long journey home but we also know that he will be pumped and so excited to see everyone!

For those of you who work that day we will be at Mike and Addie's until 7:30pm and then will need to leave for Red Deer to have Arland released from his mission. This is a great opportunty to see and visit with Elder Hudkins while he is still an official missionary!

A big Thanks to everyone who has helped and supported Arland through thought and prayer while he has been serving the people of Chile!

See you at the Airport or at Mike and Addies
Love Garth and Janene

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

joys of life

Sometimes we take for granted the beautiful country we live in and the wonderful creations that heavenly father has provided for our enjoyment. Uncle Brent was trying out my lawnmower the other day and stumbled onto this little fellow.

This picture is of the little fellow under a spruce tree in our yard... when Brent stumbled onto him he was parked about 15 feet from our front door. I guess he felt that there was just to much going on around him so he decided to go to a quieter place.

Two years ago I stumbled onto this little guy (almost stepped on him) while I was checking out my canada red choke cherry trees.

He layed there flat as a pancake and would not move a muscle. I guess he thought if he didn't move then no one would notice him! ha ha. He was also located fairly close to the house, I guess the mommy deer feels like our yard is a safe place to keep her young. And we have no problem with her decision! I am wondering if it would be the same mommy deer each year?

Anyway, we thought some of you might enjoy these pictures of a tast of the country.

Love Uncle Garth and Auntie Janene

Saturday, June 15, 2013


HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the dads in our family.  I heard someone say once that anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad.  I think that is a very true statement. 

From what I see, all the fathers in our family are really really special dads.  I am very proud of each and every one of you.  It is amazing to me to watch all that you do and I stand in awe at the good examples you are to your children.  Keep up the good work. It is not easy but is well worth it.

Thank you for being you.

I also thank the wonderful man I married.  Grampa has been my rock.  I sometimes wonder how I deserved to be so blessed.  Love you forever, Grampa.

Happy Fathers Day!