Thursday, June 20, 2013

Elder Arland Hudkins Home From Chile!

I just wanted to write and let family and friends know that Elder Hudkins will be leaving from his mission in Santiago Chile on Monday July 15th and will be arriving at the Edmonton international airport on Tuesday July 16th at 1:30pm. (Delta Air Lines flight 5680)

We thought it would be kind of neat to have a welcoming party at the airport to greet Elder Hudkins after being away for two years!  Please help us in spreading the word to those who might be interested. Brent, Charlene and Troy...I am not connected to face book and other media, could you please help spread the word to the cousins?  I know that Arland would be so excited to see his cousins and the young children and babies!

For those of you who cannot make it to the airport we would like to invite you to Addie and Mike4's, "new" home for that afternoon, as a meeting place, or open house. (Please call us and we can provide you with the address). There will be light refreshments provided and please remember it is very important to bring your children!! This will be a place where we will all be able to gather and visit with Arland. Thank you Mike and Addie for providing your home for this special occasion.

We know that Arland will be tired from his long journey home but we also know that he will be pumped and so excited to see everyone!

For those of you who work that day we will be at Mike and Addie's until 7:30pm and then will need to leave for Red Deer to have Arland released from his mission. This is a great opportunty to see and visit with Elder Hudkins while he is still an official missionary!

A big Thanks to everyone who has helped and supported Arland through thought and prayer while he has been serving the people of Chile!

See you at the Airport or at Mike and Addies
Love Garth and Janene


Anonymous said...

So excited! We will for sure be there. Grampa says I should learn some Spanish and even has a line for me to say. You will note that HE doesn't want to learn any Spanish. What's with this picture?

Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

Oh I so wish we could be there to visit. We will still be in Fort McMurray until the Friday with Leslie and her tiny guy. Hope that a crowd shows and can't wait to see Arland this summer. A cousin evening perhaps?!? - Alyson