Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Hudkins surprise!

Hi there,
Reporting from Grande Prairie, Alberta. We have a huge announcement to make! Everyone listen up!
As you may have noticed from our last post, we have been patiently (sometimes impatiently) awaiting the arrival of a beautiful wee package and SHE arrived on May 27 at 12:52am surprising us all with her bright, blonde full head of hair, the fact that she is in fact a SHE, and coming in at a whopping 9lbs 7oz! She is doing well.  Peaceful, bright eyed little girl, and her Mommy and I are smitten and falling more and more in love each day.
Introducing: Lucienne Mackenzy Ann Hudkins!
About 5 minutes after she was born, Daddy's so in love.

Fresh baby Lucie.

Snuggles with Mommy.

Daddy, Baby Lucie and her cousins.

Cuddle time with Daddy.


Snuggle with Ma-Ha

Lucie and Suzie's Mommy


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby. Is she the only girl cousin on her Mommy's side? Just the fact that you made a girl is a miracle. I love her name. A great choice of honoring her great gramma and auntie.
We are delighted to have #24 -- Cheaper by the dozen -- and counting.
Thanks for the beautiful pictures. Congratulations and enjoy each other!
Love forever,
Gramma & Grampa
PS: Party - Lucie's crib 2:00 AM.

polischuk said...

So so so thrilled for you guys!!! What a sweetie - LOVE her name, Lucie and the bit that follows is pretty awesome too ;) Enjoy her, what a cutie!!!!! Hugs from the Polischuk Family

Unknown said...

Ann is also both her grandmas and on moms side aunties middle name. All four girls on both sides covered. ;)

Jon and Alyson said...

Oh, is she ever such a sweetie?!? I am loving the hair and cannot wait to see the styles you two come up with. Congratulations guys, so sweet!!! Love The Birds

Uncle Garth and Auntie Janene said...

Congrats you two! She is adorable, no greater blessing then children!!

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations you guys! She is soo beautiful. Love that hair!

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations! She's a beauty!