Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Countdown to Reunion Fun!

     Less than two months to reunion time.  Hope everyone has booked their time off for the long weekend of August 1-4th.  We will be at "Back to the Woods" again.  Thought it would be good to post a tentative schedule/menu to help us all to plan better!
     The biggest change this time with regards to food is that we will only be planning two meals a day as a group.  Some of us found we were in the kitchen most of the weekend and just finished cleaning up one meal only to start another.  So, I asked around our ward about how other families do reunion food and came up with the following:  We will be having "Brunch" at 10 am and "Supper" at 5 pm.  This means that you will have to bring your own lunch stuff and if you have small children who rise early or have diabetes (grampa) and can't wait, plan to bring some granola bars for breakfast.  We will see how this works this time...

Friday, 1 August
     noonish - arrive and set up camp
     5-7 pm  - Supper:  Hot Dog Bar
     evening - visiting

Saturday, 2 August
     10 am - Pancake Breakfast - Brent & Rocky family
     morning - Family Tree Craft Activity
     afternoon - Preparedness Demo - Sylvia
                        lots of visiting and playing - softball anyone
     5 pm - Supper:  ham, potatoe casserole and beans
     evening - Family Meeting to discuss next reunion and figure out charges - bring money hunny!
                     games and fun

Sunday, 3 August
     10 am - Omelette in a Bag - Garth & Janene family
     morning - Devotional - Gramma & Grampa - Poland Pilgimege
     afternoon - Hygiene Kits for the Homeless
     5 pm - Supper:  Barbequed Hamburgers

Monday, 4 August
     10 am brunch - muffins, fruit and yogurt
      clean-up and break camp

Hope this helps - more to follow in a couple weeks.  Are you getting exited because I sure am!
Looking forward to seeing everyone...
Auntie Charlene


Anonymous said...

This looks great. Just need a refresher on what all to put into the hygiene kits.
Thanks for all your work and planning.
Gramma & Grampa
PS: We are pumped! I hope they still have the zip line and that it is dry weather.

Jon and Alyson said...

Woo hoo! Excited to see all the families, new babies, old people (hehe), and play lots with cousins. See you all there! - Bird Fam