Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I've had a couple of questions regarding what to buy/bring to put in the hygiene kits so here is a list, followed by what we already have...

1. SOAP (individually wrapped bars) - have 36 already
2. FACECLOTHS - have 32 - please bring pre-washed
3. TOOTHBRUSHES - individually wrapped - Who is willing to approach their dentist for a case?
4. TOOTHBRUSH COVERS - (to keep them clean and reusable)
5. TOOTHPASTE - have 26 so far
6. SHAMPOO - have 48 now.
7. DEODERANT - both mens and ladies - travel size please
8. COMBS (for the men) and/or BRUSHES (for the ladies) nice ones for cheap at loonie store
9. SOCKS - need both mens and ladies - not white please
11. GUM?

They will also take disposable razors and womens hygiene products, but hand those out separately.

Large ziploc baggies will be provided

Last time I believe we did about 40 and on very short notice.  I'm hoping for 60!

*Also, I haven't heard from anyone regarding the 4 motel-type units.  Please let me know a.s.a.p. or you may find yourself s.o.l.!!!

Auntie Charlene xo


Anonymous said...

For everyone's information - we picked up the following:
8 face cloths
4 pairs of men's socks
48 combs
20 toothbrushes with covers

Looking forward to making the hygiene kits.

The Hudkins Family said...

REUNION!!!! So excited!!! Can't wait to see everyone and visit. Love you - The Birds

The Hudkins Family said...

We have the following:
Shampoo 10
Conditioner 14
Body lotion 13
Soap 18
Shower gel 4
Combs 20

All are hotel size.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!