Monday, August 11, 2014

Reunion Joy

I asked Grandpa what to say about the reunion, he said "it was fun!"  I asked him again, "was he serious?" and he said "it was great to see everyone, to have everyone together".

We are only sorry that so many had to work and were not able to make it. We feel that coming together like this is very important because knowing your roots and family stories helps to weather the storms in life.

We are really proud of each of you and are delighted that you enjoy getting together. You are always in our prayers!  It is our prayer that our family will always be cohesive and support each other in our various endeavors.

We are looking forward to seeing reunion pictures ON THE FAMILY BLOG please! login: hudkinsfamily pw: grandmagrandpa  We just don't do Facebook.

We love you all very much.
Love Gramma & Grandpa

PS Thank you to Charlene for organizing and to all who helped with children, meals, activities, projects, set up and clean up.


polischuk said...

We were sad to have missed but our little ladies had a blast, sharing many fun stories of the weekend!

***FYI to everyone keep checking the blog for info on Grandpa's 80th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION in May 2015