Friday, September 5, 2014

All Grown Up ;)

Hey everyone! It's your little cousin / niece / grandkid Emma! Here is some exciting news for you all.............I'M ENGAGED! Yep. Ryan popped the question at Elbow Falls on September 2nd and I decided that getting married to him wouldn't be so bad so I SAID YES ;) We also asked Grandpa if he would seal us in the Calgary temple and HE SAID YES! So that's pretty cool. We haven't finalized a date yet, but will be sure to keep you updated on everything! And of course, you know me, here are some pictures for you:
Love, Ryan Bass & Emma HUDKINS
(Just typing that last name out as much as possible. I'm going to miss it a little) 

Maybe I will type the whole story out for ya'll, or maybe start my own blog to do that. But long story short, this is the kinder surprise that the ring was in. And it was so crushed that I wanted to take a picture of it.. so I held it over top of the water fall and took one.. You can imagine the look on Ryan's face :$


Jon and Alyson said...

Ahhh, so exciting!! Congrats cousin, we can't wait to celebrate with you!! =) Love The Birds

Anonymous said...

We are excited and pleased for you and waiting to hear the confirmed date. Ryan passed the Gramma test. All is well.
Love always,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

We are so very happy for you both!

Brent & Roxanne

G Hudkins said...

Janene and I are very excited to welcome Ryan into our family! Congrats you two!

Love Mom and Dad

The Hudkins Family said...

Congrats you two! Exciting news for you...
Auntie Charlene & Uncle Louis