Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mothers Day

Mothers are so special
In every single way
In everything they do
And everything they say

They love you unconditionally
From deep within their heart
They love you when your near
Even more when your apart

Mothers of their children
Whether young or old
Teach new generations
And start a brand new mold

There is a special bond
Between a child and mother
That people carry with them
A connection like no other

In any part of motherhood
You should know your worth
Your a very intricate part
Of this time on earth.

Troy Hudkins           May 2015

To all the great grandmas, grandmas, and mothers,

Happy Mothers Day


polischuk said...

Beautiful! Did you write this uncle?

PaHa said...

Thanks Jenny,
Yes I did write it,
I have written a few poems.

The Hudkins Family said...

Excellent Troy!
Loved this...
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