Friday, May 15, 2015

Looking For A Better Life

My grandparents came from overseas
On the boat and across the pond
They came from different countries
Found each other and created a bond

Saving their money to get aboard
And starting the long journey
They landed here and found a job
It wasn't much of a worry

As their love blossomed with children
The little family grew
Trying to give the best for them
Was all that granddad knew

Years went by and mother's parents,
Grandpa and his wife
They worked so hard all the time
Looking for a better life

My grandpa on my father's side
Was a short and stocky man
But strong as an ox so don't you dare
Let him squeeze your hand

Grandma raised over seventy-eight children
Some were old and new
But to most that ventured through their dad
The only parents they ever knew

Remembering all the times we spent
At my grandparents home
Seeing them always helping their family
To survive was all they'd known

Years went by and father's parents,
Grandpa and his wife
They worked so hard all the time
Looking for a better life

My father found the girl of his dreams
Across from his backyard
Mom would rush out with their trash
To catch him wasn't hard

They married young and started a family
Then moved us all up north
A tiny little town to grow and learn in
We all know of its worth

As we got older, moved out and married
And started our own story
Soon grandkids came into their home
They were in all their glory

Years went by and I saw my parents,
My father and his wife
They worked so hard all the time
Looking for a better life

When I was married and my family grew
Raising kids was awesome
Teaching them and watching sports
Seeing each one blossom

With my wife so lovely at my side
Each child learned their own
Techniques and talents they've acquired
From my wife and I at home

We packed the house and moved the family
To a pacific northwest state
I took my wife and growing children
To a future that could be great

Years went by and I saw myself,
Me and my wonderful wife
We worked so hard all the time
Looking for a better life

Now my children all have grown
Some have moved away
A couple of them live nearby
We see them day to day

A few of them have married now
Starting families of there own
Watching them teach there children
In ways I wish I had known

The grandkids they are so much fun
When we play with them
Each time a new soul joins our family
They are such a gem

Years go by and I see my children
As they grow though all the strife
They work so hard all the time
Looking for a better life

I pray that as my grandkids grow
That they learn the things they need
To make a difference in this world
And in their future family seed

I hope they all find real true friendships
That they can have together
And a loving person they can marry
Who will be with them forever

I pray that they will all have children
Such a special bond it brings
That they all find out what's most important
The FAMILY....above all other things

As years go by I hope to see them all,
Whether with a husband or a wife
I pray they work hard for their family
And find a better life

Troy Hudkins              July 2014


The Hudkins Family said...

Wonderful Troy!
Charlene xo

polischuk said...

You rock uncle!

Garth said...

Great job of writing Troy!!