Monday, December 31, 2007

Great Grandma's Recipe

I have been using a cookbook called 'Grandma's Touch' and came across a recipe that both Great Grandma Hudkins and my mother - Great Grandma Hahn used to make. I thought I'd share it with you.

When I was young they called it EGGLESS, MILKLESS, BUTTERLESS CAKE but in this cookbook they called it BOILED RAISIN CAKE.

1 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup butter - my mother used either lard or bacon drippings.
but I just use hard margarine
1 cup cold water
1 1/2 cup raisins
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda

* In a saucepan combine sugar, butter, water, raisins and spices. Bring to boil and continue
to boil for 3 minutes. Then cool.

* In a separate bowl, combine flour and baking soda. Stir into the cooled raisin mixture.
* Pour into a greased 9" square pan.
* Bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until cake springs back when touched lightly.

* Sprinkle lightly with icing sugar. (if you want a design, sprinkle over top of paper doily and
then remove the doily carefully)

O.K. So now we'll see if I will actually get this posted without Addie sitting beside me and walking me through the process.

We were supposed to go to an Empty Nesters New Years Eve party but decided to stay home and relax instead. Who knows, maybe I can beat Grandpa at Tile Rummy tonight. Last night he was the champ.

Have a Happy New Year everyone.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

check out this video

I thought everyone might like this video.
check it out...


Friday, December 28, 2007

Uncle Garth

Everyone look very closely at the Santa pictures.....

Uncle Garth ... FINALLY ... grew some facial hair!!!

HA HA HA or I mean HO HO HO.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

American Christmas

Well, we had our very first white Christmas since we came to the U.S.A. It was cool to have snow on the ground, But it was gone this morning, so we don't have to worry about shoveling the sidewalks. Christmas afternoon and all day today has been nice weather, t-shirt only, no jacket.
We had a great family day together for Christmas, enjoying everyone being here. But back to reality today, cleaning and back to work tomorrow. Here are some family pics taken by Nancys' friend.

Take care everybody and have a


Love you all,

Troy, Nancy and the tribe.

P.S. sorry can't get the family pics to load but here is 2 more from the house.

Boxing Day

Hey Everyone,
Its boxing day evening and we had a FULL house for Christmas including 6 animals a grand total of 16 in the house. With Grandma Hinko, Jenny and Graham with Tony and Tula, Alyson and Jon, Leslie and Mike with Queenie and Honeychild and the good old Mom and Dad with Mikel and the 2 killer cats, but really for this time of season the more is the merrier!!! haha. Mom is recouperating well sleeping lots and thankfully has allotted everyone else for duties in and out of the kitchen. Dad had to work through Christmas but was able to stay up long enough for Christmas morning presents before he hit the hay for one last night shift. Mikel got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas so as soon as it was set up it has been seriously non stop playing since yesterday morning, everyones arms are a little sore as of this morning but that didnt stop Graham, Mikel, and Mike from playing another solid 8 hours today... Im wondering when I'll see my husband again... haha. Jenny and Graham have done lots to make the house more like the Christmas season and also have just been relaxing on their nice time off. Jon and Alyson were back and forth from Jons fam and ours spreading the good news (let me reiterate call her as soon as you can 780-799-5509). Mike and I have just been enjoying the much needed vacation from work (and the x box) and have been sleeping in very late everyday and just doing nothing. Mikel is pretty enthused about having 3 other boys in the house and is taking advantage of the fact that they all sacrifice their bodies for him to practice his slap shot at the shinny rinks. All in all it was the most wonderfully fun and most memorable far! I hope evryone enjoyed the holiday as much as we did we love you all and hope that you keep safe throughout the rest of the holidays. Love you all lots
The Hinko's, Polischuk's, Bird's, and Cartwright's.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

hey everyone

hey everyone! how was your christmases? mine was excellent! we had all our siblings down this weekend. With chris and dad and arland and addie and her boyfriend, we went skating. It was a comedy act! we were falling all over the place, even dad. (who wasn't even on skates..) Except Addies boyfriend, he was skating circles around us. Everyone remembers where we had our family reunion right? well they rebuilt the skating rink. It has a concrete base on it and new boards around the fence. They froze it over and someone comes and shovels it off with their quad. It has lights that you can switch on and off and a little shack to put your skates on inside.
Gramma and Grampa are down since yesterday and it
has been nice to visit with them. Gramma got to help

dad dress up as santa. It was alot of fun!


here we are on the knee of dad..or santa *cough cough*

Gramma's Learning

Hi Everyone,
Here I am at RMH and am having Addie tutor me. I'm hoping that I can remember how to do this when I get home. I'm trying to get Dad to learn how but he thinks as long as he has me, he doesn't need to.

Now Addie will try to teach me how to post a picture. That's only if I can master this ergonomically correct keyboard.

I hope you all had a great Christmas. We sure love you all very much and are very proud of you.

Oh yes, - you all need to call Alyson.


When Santa came back from his rounds I had a chance to sit on his knee. It reminded me of times when he used to sit on my knee.

We had to make his face look rosy. Made him look as though he came directly from the North Pole. When we were done, he looked great!

Grampa, Gramma & Chris at RMH. Christmas Eve 2007. Chris recently received a promotion at his job in Edmonton. We are very proud of him.

Garth + Janene and Family

Hey Family!!
We finally figured out how to work this site (haha sad, I know..) So we will definately be posting a ton of pics!! These are just a few christmas pictures to start off with.

Dad and I dressed up as santa and an elf for christmas and went around to about 7 different families giving out goodies and telling a christmas story. It was so much fun!!

There's also a family picture I think too! Enjoy and keep in touch! We love you all lots!
Love, Addie!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Please write, we would love to hear from all of you and how you are doing.

Troy and Nancy

They poured concrete for the footings the other day. Nancy and I went out today and took more pics while they were tying steel and setting forms for the basement and garage. Pat helped me get a pull rope in the pipe for the power company (in the rain), they wouldn't hook up temporary power until I got them a rope to pull their wire to the power box.

All is well with everyone.
Luv you all,

Troy and Nancy

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

They poured concrete for the footings today. The wall forms will be going up in the next few days and then pouring the walls next Wednesday. HEY, we will have a basement for Christmas!!!!! It's exciting, but stressful.

Luv You All
Troy and Nancy

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hi people, here is another pic of the house, They are supposed to be pouring cement tomorrow. Then they will form the walls and pour them as well.

Take care and will write again soon,

Monday, December 10, 2007

hey all,

this is pretty nice of you all to create such a site dedicated to our family. i will enclose some pics of us and things that we have accomplished with the rugrats and our new 'mexican' home. haha. our computer crashed and luckily we saved some photos before that happened, so i will post them as soon as i can.
Jordan and family

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hi everyone,

We are busy today with Santa parade (Roxanne volunteered) and ward Christmas party. But I will try to get more pics of the 5oth anniversary on the blog soon.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Here is a pic of Chef CAL, it is sure nice having a cook in the house... Nancy loves it. He has made some pretty nice meals. The black chefs hat signifies a second year culinary arts student. He sure enjoys making things, he's even come up with a few of his own creations.
Larry Steagall  |  Kitsap Sun The Tomahawks' Cassidy Hudkins of Bremerton looks to pass around a defender during a game at the Bremerton Ice Skating Center. Hudkins, a recent graduate of Olympic High, leads the team with 21 assists and is second in points with 30.

Larry Steagall | Kitsap Sun The Tomahawks' Cassidy Hudkins of Bremerton looks to pass around a defender during a game at the Bremerton Ice Skating Center. Hudkins, a recent graduate of Olympic High, leads the team with 21 assists and is second in points with 30.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Pics From Rainstorm

Here are some places that I drive daily. We are all fine, just lost power for a few hours.


Thank you for the pic of gramma and grampas 50th
I haven't seen any yet.

Brent and roxannes Family

Al & Adinas 50th Anniversary

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Thanx for writing Gramma, this will be fun, I hope everyone joins in on this.

Monday, December 3, 2007


Hi everyone, here are some more pics of our property.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


this time for real
still trying