Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day

Hey Everyone,
Its boxing day evening and we had a FULL house for Christmas including 6 animals a grand total of 16 in the house. With Grandma Hinko, Jenny and Graham with Tony and Tula, Alyson and Jon, Leslie and Mike with Queenie and Honeychild and the good old Mom and Dad with Mikel and the 2 killer cats, but really for this time of season the more is the merrier!!! haha. Mom is recouperating well sleeping lots and thankfully has allotted everyone else for duties in and out of the kitchen. Dad had to work through Christmas but was able to stay up long enough for Christmas morning presents before he hit the hay for one last night shift. Mikel got a Nintendo Wii for Christmas so as soon as it was set up it has been seriously non stop playing since yesterday morning, everyones arms are a little sore as of this morning but that didnt stop Graham, Mikel, and Mike from playing another solid 8 hours today... Im wondering when I'll see my husband again... haha. Jenny and Graham have done lots to make the house more like the Christmas season and also have just been relaxing on their nice time off. Jon and Alyson were back and forth from Jons fam and ours spreading the good news (let me reiterate call her as soon as you can 780-799-5509). Mike and I have just been enjoying the much needed vacation from work (and the x box) and have been sleeping in very late everyday and just doing nothing. Mikel is pretty enthused about having 3 other boys in the house and is taking advantage of the fact that they all sacrifice their bodies for him to practice his slap shot at the shinny rinks. All in all it was the most wonderfully fun and most memorable far! I hope evryone enjoyed the holiday as much as we did we love you all and hope that you keep safe throughout the rest of the holidays. Love you all lots
The Hinko's, Polischuk's, Bird's, and Cartwright's.