Thursday, April 2, 2009


Hello all! Thought we would do a little update! Things are going well for us, so happy spring is finally showing up! Kids are doing super well I can finally say Austin is now a "big boy" and does not need diapers anymore !! Soo proud of him, and scary thought he will start preschool in september and as for keisha grade one! How time just goes by so fast! Jordan is doing good as well working hard or well hardly working isn't it?! Haha jk. He just got his new "lover" a yamaha r1 2004, I can already say I'm jealous of "her" haha. As for me as old same old, just trying to heal from a ripped lung I got when I got really sick! Was scary there but I'm healing. But besides that just doing the crazy bride thing, since we have about three months to go! Its going to be here in no time! I think I will start to have my freak out after brandon and brabs wedding has passed! I can't wait till there's and wow there's is right around the corner! So exciting!! I hope everyone is doing well, and congrats to the new parents to be! Children are such a blessing!
Hope to hear from all of you soon if you know what I mean *wink wink* haha
Take care from
Kristina jordan keisha and austin xoxo


The Hudkins Family said...

Wow! Austin in pre-school & keisha in Gr. 1! Time flies.

It will be a busy and fun summer with all the weddings.


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks Kristina for keeping us up to date on your family. With being so far away, this keeps us involved as much as possible. You have alot to be excited for, potty training and planning a wedding that is alot. Your wedding day will be great. If you could posts some pictures of the kids we would love that as well.
Auntie Nancy