Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hinko Family Update

Here are just a few pics from the past weeks! Enjoy!!!
Babies and mommas!

Alyson calls us 'the originals'!

An updated Hinko Family Picture

A cute pic of Keisha & Austin...seriously little Prince and Princess!!

For Mom's 50th Bday we took her on the Edmonton Queen Riverboat for a dinner and a ride! So fun!!!

This past weekend was fabulous as we all gathered in Fort Mac to help Jordan and Kristina celebrate their wedding. It was beautiful!!!! They put alot of work into making it a stunning event, Kiesha and Austin were adorable...just like a little prince and princess.

We are pumped up for the next wedding; Pat and Heather here we come! Almost all of the Hinko's will be heading down, sadly only Les's Mike has to work. Totally looking forward to seeing the Yankee family this week. Amelia's birth certificate came a few weeks ago so we can cross the border with her, wohoo!!!
Love the Hinko Family