Sunday, February 14, 2010

She Crawls!!

We have a little mover now!! She crawls all over and is enjoying her new found independence. We are enjoying it too!! Just wanted to give everyone a quick update and share some pics!
Addie, Mike&Camilla


The Hudkins Family said...

How fun!! She is such a smarty pants - and such a cute little smarty pants. You can see that she's really pleased with herself. Now she'll start getting into things and your house will take on a whole different look.

Thanks for sharing. It is so fun to see the little ones.

Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

Fun, I bet this will become a whole nother' adventure! Enjoy!!
Love, the birds

The Hudkins Family said...

she is such a doll! she is cute i cant wait to see her again im excited =)