Monday, November 15, 2010

Chocolate Pictures!

Some of the crew hard at work!!
Gramma beating the chocolate!!
Maybe half done? Gramma & Grampa's bed loaded with the goods!
Awesome transfer paper for the cherry almond flavor!
Pretty well done, lots of things full of chocolates as well as a table in the living room and the top of the TV stand!
Chocolate making was great! We all had a good time. Gramma made us some fabulous food to keep us going and we enjoyed getting our fingers dirty with chocolate (and licking it off after).  It was a long process, but all worth it! Thanks to all who shared their knowledge and tips on chocolate making.  Thanks Jenny for organizing all of this and working so hard! Thank you Gramma for hosting! Thanks Grampa for being a trooper, you were the only man in the house! We appreciate everything you did (especially switching out trays). 

Near the end there was a lot of "do you think we made to much?" and "whose idea was this anyway?" (all in good spirits of course!) HaHa.  It was a long, fabulous day, and well worth every second to spend it with family and gain some knowledge from those who are wiser and more experienced!! I also learned that Auntie Sylvia is practically a professional dipper. We missed those who couldn't make it!  Hope to see everyone soon!!
