Monday, February 28, 2011

Belly Pics!

Grandma made mention of some belly shots are the bumps!

I think both Addie and I feel pretty lucky that we get to have this experience again.  What an honour it is to be a mother and how cool to get to do it along with someone in your family. 
I think Addie was at 30 weeks and me at 24weeks...getting closer.
Love you all ~Jenny

Saturday, February 26, 2011

No More Monkeys Jumpin' On The Bed!!

                                                       The Little Girlies just relaxing
                                                Cami and Jacey getting up close and personal
                                                                 Two Little Monkeys
                                           Mia taking a break while Cami did up and fall down

                                               Mia, Cami and Jacey just playing on the bed

We cousins got together with the smaller cousins to go impede on Gramma and Grampa's new house. We met for lunch, some bed jumping and visiting. It was really fun to watch all the little folk play nicely together and share...sometimes. There were a few "baby sharing" incidents, and some I don't want this food (whip it on the floor) incidents. Great fun! I bet Gramma and Grampa had a great nap after we all left. hehe Thanks for having the crowd to your place, it is beautiful. We love you!

Monday, February 21, 2011

SUNRISE at Albian Village

This is a sunrise from January 19, What a beautiful morning it was. I was walking out to do my daily checks in the water-cars of our expansion camp.
I watched it start as I was walking out,
and then took this picture.

The next picture is about 4 minutes later.
After my checks, about 10 minutes after the second picture,
I was going to take another one,
But the sun had fully risen.

I literally saw the sun rise that day. It was an amazing sight to experience.

Lots of Love Troy

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Snowbirds....Bird n Polischuk families go south!!

Disney really is a happy place, don't let Amelia's face in the first pic fool you.
We talked with Alyson and Jon about doing a trip together and in the end we decided on Florida.   Man was it fun!!!  We had no idea what to expect from the girls and frankly planned it mostly for the adults because seriously Disney = FUN!  The ladies totally surprised us and had a blast, granted they won't remember but aside from that while there they lived it up.

If you've been you know that Disney is magical! Above the entrance to the Magical Kingdom it reads "Let the Memories Begin" and they are a few highlights:

*Jacey is an adrenalin junkie, she loved the lights, sounds and wind blowing her hair! Her giggles were sometimes even heard as we sat in rides behind her, so fun.
*The wee ladies could actually go on 80% of the rides, Jenny only did roughly 70%
*A character with a non-person face is not cool to people under the age of 2 1/2...we discovered this after waiting in a 40 min line to be photographed with them.
*Kids can actually go to the point of exhaustion without being grumpy, sleeping only when they can not possibly keep their little eyes open another second.  (We experienced every 8hr day we spent in the parks, a pleasant surprise!)
*Went to Florida to discover the love Amelia has for animals, especially the "Baa Baa's"!!! She moved the fasted we've ever seen as she chased animals in the Animal Kingdom.
*There is an indescribable joy watching your children have fun and experience things for the first time!

This last picture totally warms my heart! 
Jacey has a Little Mermaid skirt on and Mia is wearing Minnie Mouse, I love their faces, the smiles, the joy!  How blessed are we to have these wee women?!  Excited to take TBA II there someday and see her face.

Much Love ~Jenny
posting for the Polischuk's n Bird's

A Touch of Nature

We are enjoying our beautiful new home.  Nearly every morning about 9:00-ish and some afternoons about 3:00 we have four grouse come into the yard.  They have been staying close to the fence but today came right up to the deck and were pecking in the grass that was showing.  They are quite skittish.  They can tell when we move around in the house and take off.  We are always pleased to be able to watch them.  I think this must have been their habitat before all the development.

We also have rabbit tracks and rabbit raisins in the back yard although I haven't seen a rabbit, Grampa has.  In fact the other night he went to the window in the middle of the night and saw two eyes peering towards him.  The bunny was sitting near the house near the window.  He probably was getting some warmth in that spot because you can tell that it is a favorite place for them to sit.  It is so fun watching these guys.  Best of all, it is nice to have lots of windows and the time to be able to observe.

An idea from RS:
Today we talked about service - one of the ladies shared that her mother keeps a bunch of new socks on hand and when someone is having difficulty she gives them a pair of "comfort socks" so they can feel her love and caring right from their toes.  What a smart woman she is obviously a great lady with a wonderful idea!

This family day, we want you all to know how special you are to us and that we are so very proud of you all and love you very much.  We have our family wall put together.  You will all need to come and see it.  It is my favorite place in the house.  Have a wonderful family day!!

Love you all forever,
Gramma & Grampa

Saturday, February 12, 2011

GOT A NEW CAMERA (sort of)

 Pretty Cool! Huh? Now if I could only find film, flashbulbs and figure out how to load it and use it, I would be ecstatic.  It is a Kodak Duaflex II produced approx. 1950-1955. It uses 620 rollfilm??? and makes a 6x6 picture. A 72mm lens with a focal range of 3.5 ft. to infinity and has 3 f-stop settings and a shutter speed of about 1/30 of a second.

I thought I asked Santa for a Canon EOS 7D, 18MP Digital camera??? It's only $2100.00 a pittance compared to some of them out there. Some are about $6,000.00 - $7,000.00. I guess Santa had different ideas of what I should get.

 So, here are some other Kodak camers we own. Mom and Dad, do you remember when you gave me the Instamatic 126 camera for my birthday? (I think it was you two).  Notice the flash cube? Also the first digital camera we got back in about 2002 (or maybe later).

Camera technology has come a long way. The first SLR I bought was the Pentax K1000 (all manual). Then the Pentax MZ7 (fully Auto). Both 35mm cameras I also had some zoom lenses and Macro lense adapters for them. On the left, behind the electronic flash, in the clear plastic case, is a no name brand underwater 35mm camera.

On the right in front is our latest addition, a Sony Cyber-shot 14.1mp with 4X optical zoom, 26mm wide-angle lens and also sports face recognition, blink recognition and an optical steady shot feature. It's size is about the same as a credit card and about 5 times as thick (put 5 credit cards behind each other).

Behind it is a Sony Digital Rebel XTi 10.1mp (almost out of date by todays standards) but still is a good camera. Sort of like computers, you get them home and they are out of date!! Wait a minute. they are little computers! (would be nice to have 18-21mp's though). TIME TO UPGRADE!! LOL

Now we have digital cameras in our phones, not great megapixels or zoom but OK in a pinch. I wonder where they will take them next???

This is your BRIEF camera history lesson for today. I hope you enjoyed it.

Uncle Brent

It'snow Fun!

 Kiesha and Austin spent Friday afternoon with me. They were not happy about the shopping but thought the A&W lunch was good. A homeless man gave them some pennies because he said they reminded him of his kids. He's 78 and raised 5 boys and 2 girls. He was a nice guy so I bought gave some lunch and $5. (that was his intention of course) but still feels good to help someone out.
 They had a good time playing in the snow. It was nice out. But it is nicer today (Saturday).

Look closely, Austin isn't happy in this picture.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Article in the Fort McMurray Today. Thought I'd share it as it is interesting and a well done article.

Uncle Brent

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cousins kickin it together....playdate style!!!

Kingston...future model???  Getting set to jump off the chair!

Jacey, Amelia & Camilla posing so nicely!!!  They had fun playing together, music toys and babies were the highlights of the afternoon. Oh and our poor dog Tula!!

Jacey telling Great-Grandma stories!

 Cami checking out Mia's chair.

 Jacey Bird on her knees, woot, woot....digging in the cupboard.

Mia ~ 19 months    Jenny ~ 21 weeks    
Belly Comparison!!!!

Hope everyone is well!  Enjoying reading the updates!  Love Jenny & Grandma

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The firefighter # 2 on the rise!

Firefighter # 2 on the rise you herd it correctly the cranbrook fire academy has reviewd my application and my loan and has accepted me for testing on the 11th and 12th of this month of february.

There are only 11 applicants that registered so i was told there should be no reason for me not getting in this class. They need 8 applicants to run the class and since they are not even close to full everyone of the applicants should get in so i am very excited.

Its a 5 1/2 month course that starts on march first i was told it will be very intense but i have over the months been preparing wish me luck everyone.

I cant wait to come out announcing another firefighter in the family and i would like to thank everyone that has been here for me to get as far as i have i appreciate all of you.

I cant explain how excited i truly am.

I love all my family and friends and hope all is well i hope Grandma and Grandpa you got to your new place safe a sound and are just loving it and i will hopefully be up to visit some time shortly after my testing .

love you all and hope all is well.

The one and only Calorado Hudkins