Friday, June 3, 2011

Arlands Mission

Arland is leaving on his mission to Chile on Tuesday June 28. He needs to report to the MTC on Wednesday June 29. We will miss him dearly (especially Emma) but we are also very excited for him and know that he will be a great missionary.
He will be speaking in our Rocky Ward on Sunday June 26. If any of you would like to come our way to hear Arland speak and spend some time with him before he leaves please let us know. You are all welcome to stay at our home (we will make room for everyone). Stan, Sylvia the invitation is for ALL family!! If I have an idea of how many are comming then I can then prepare the BBq goodies and plan for food, etc. Everyone is invited...Brandon we would love to see your crew here also...
Our sacrament meeting starts at 10:00am, remember this is your last time to see Arland for Two years!! (how is that for promoting). Any way I think you all get the picture.
Love you all Garth and Janene


The Hudkins Family said...

We are enjoying having Arland stay with us while working in town this last month. He is definitely on countdown. We're looking forward to hearing his talk at RMH.

Love all,
Gramma & Grampa