Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stella Charlene Polischuk is HERE!!!!

The little woman after her first bath.

The little woman with her name sake Grandma Charlene!

Big sister giving some cuddles to her 'baby Stewa'!!!  Amelia is a huge fan of her new little sister.  It is absolutely adorable to watch the interaction.

Cousins touring the hospital together.  Seriously sweet moment captured, right??

 Cousin Jacey visiting baby Stella upon arriving home.  Jacey loved stroking her soft skin and being cheek to cheek with new babe.
 Just after we got the ok to leave the hospital woot, woot!!!

Miss Stella Charlene Polischuk
Monday May 30th 2011 @ 11:13 am
6lb 13oz     20 inches

She is AWESOME and we are so thankful to have her be part of our family!!!! Lots of love.

~The Polischuk's  
Graham, Jenny, Amelia & Stella 


The Stannix's said...

I love the last pic! She's so sweet! Can't wait to meet her!!

The Hudkins Family said...

What a blessing the little children are to us. Congrats to you both.
Love Uncle Garth and Auntie Janene

The Hudkins Family said...

Stella is such a pretty wee girl. Your pictures are great. Thanks for sharing. We love you all.

Gramma & Grampa